Windows 8.1 GPO Setting – Why Configure "Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Settings don’t appear when the mouse is pointing to the upper-right corner of the screen"?

Does your user complains to you that the Search, Share, Start, Devices and Settings Edge User Interface (UI) keep appearing every time they try to close a Windows Explorer or Application Windows?


This is the reason why you get this GPO setting under

User Configuration > Administrative Template Policy Definitions (ADMX….  > Windows Components > Edge UI > Search, Share, Start, Devices, and Settings don’t appear when the mouse is pointing to the upper right corner of the screen


Note: This is user configuration policy so that you can target this setting to certain group of users in your environment. And PLEASE discuss with your bosses as many people may be used to move their mouse pointer to the upper-right corner of the screen?

Hope this helps in your planning on deploying Windows 8.1 in your environment!

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